Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Veretekk Version 2.0 - SEO Social Networking Leads

Veretekk, although at one time was a project and a goal, it has become far more than that. At first the goal was to build a system that produced leads exclusively for the subscribers use. In other words, your lead would only be called by you and no one else. We coined this valuable lead a Premium lead.

I have always done business with a higher set of values than most people and the whole idea of buying or acquiring leads and selling them to subscribers seems to me to be totally unethical. Therefore I embarked upon a path of great difficulty but not impossible to achieve. Thus, Veretekk was born.

The goal was set, to deliver a system based on ethics that would develop and deliver sustainable, exclusive leads that were actually something greater than just a lead, but a valuable asset necessary to build any business, loyal customers. The quest was on.

The first obvious portal we built to do this was the Free For All link system called the FFAfarm. This was way back in 1994 we started with this portal system. Back then the FFA was a big deal and everyone was doing it. Sites like ffausa.com and ffanet.net were huge. Submitting to them got your email box buried in subsequent autoresponders. The FFA system became the rue of and hated by the anti spam people and with good cause.

Many of those original ffa systems have gone into the abyss of history while only a few remain and look nothing like they did back then. The one exception is our portal ffafarm.com. Back then as today, the ffafarm uses double optin and verified policies to eliminate the main issue that got all the others shut down, spam.

See SpamCop's astounded comment about the FFAFARM way back in 2001.


FFANET was the GIANT of FFA systems, but alas they too had to close up and change into something else, because they did not use verification practices.

Enough about FFA systems. They are real old technology and even though our FFAFARM still produces leads, Veretekk is way beyond that old technology. So let me carry on.

All Veretekk system's required an email system. In 1998 we embarked on what is known today as Veremail. It is the first of it's kind and has been copied by all the major email providers like Aweber and Getresponse.

Veremail is a POP email system. Your Veretekk username is your email address with all our domains (40 of them at this writing) as the root domain for your username. IE: username@veretekk.com, username@blastomatic.com, username@vereconference.com, username@webcatch.net , you get the idea right?

So unlike all the other Autoresponder / email publication services (Aweber, Getresponse, Constant Contact, Email Aces, and 123response and a lot more to just list) none offer a POP mail account to go with your system. You have to wonder why.

Email systems that incorporate list building, subscription forms that incorporate mass mailing and sequential mailings (autoresponders) often get many spam complaints. Please pay attention, as this lesson is very valuable.

The spam complaints follow to the senders return email address. Your email address. If you are using a Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc. you will loose that email address. If you are using AOL, Comcast, Road Runner, TCT, or any other email address associated with your ISP you will get your ISP account terminated.

At Veretekk your email address is selected from one of our domains and runs from our servers. If we get a complaint, we have the resources and proof that your email is a double opted in email and the spam complaint is not legitimate.

Therefore you do not loose nor have to fight the complaint. We protect you. Furthermore, you even have the option of building web pages on all of the 40+ domains to use in your email advertising, thereby eliminating the possibility of your hosting company or affiliate company shutting you down from a false complaint.

We will talk more about the hosting, Veretekk Gold includes, later in this article. Not just hosting, but commercial quality unlimited hosting.

The Veretekk email system Veremail is a fully comprehensive service that is fully deliverable and a far greater value than any other service out there. Even Veretekk prices for a greater values service are lower than all competitors.

Veretekk continues to build new portals every year. To date there are over 50 portals available to build your business online. These portals offer real value and services for the simple act of opting into them (your lead)

The genius behind our portals (unique domains with your username as the subdomain ie: http://username.vereconference.com) is they offer very real and unique services for free. Like free conference rooms, free advertising submission services, free leads, free software, free vacations, etc.

These are very dynamic lead capture systems. And they capture the name, phone number and verified double opt in email addresses. And….these leads (we call them premium leads) are unique only to you. When you call these leads they are eager to get to know you. Often becoming loyal customers and even excellent distributors in your business.

These lead capture portals all incorporate the Veremail technology. Furthermore, with the Veretekk system, you can create your own personal unique capture portals as well. Veretekk's Veremail gives you all the specialized code to create forms on your websites to build subscriptions that double opt in and refer to your pages if you want, and can also be set up to send any number of sequential autoresponders.

You will find the ability to create these subscription codes (also known as campaigns) within the Veretekk section called Sequential Mail. Sequential mail allows you to create autoresponder letters in text or HTML and in unlimited sets. What I mean is you can produce unlimited sets of autoresponders with unlimited numbers of email letters in those sets. You can also edit these sets.

So in an early summary, Veretekk gives you state of the art email POP accounts, with unlimited email addresses and unlimited autoresponder systems no one else does.

Veretekk delivers a set of 40 proven and effective lead generation portals already to use and already acquiring leads from the day you signup. Furthermore Veremail delivers all you need to build your own lead capture sites.

Veretekk gives you state of the art sequential email developing tools to build unlimited email campaigns. Whether they are text based or HTML The Sequential email system is all you need to create, edit or delete your email set campaigns. Single sequential email sets also show up in the pull down in your Bully Pulpit broadcasting center.

The Bully Pulpit is another Veretekk exclusive. It is the center of your communications as all your leads are centralized here. They are compiled in organized sets depending on where they came from. This allows you to send a daily newsletter, alert, a report to all or designated sections of your leads databases.

So aside from having an unlimited array of sequential email sets for your campaigns, you also have a broadcasting system to communicate to your entire email database lists on a daily basis.

But Veretekk offers a lot more than this. However, what I just covered is the core of Veretekk and that is building your business with the necessary flow and acquisition of excellent leads. To do that you need traffic as well, and Veretekk does that with great confidence.

Now I will cover what we have added to the Veretekk system to support the core objective.

Conference rooms have always been an integral part of Veretekk because we have used them to teach our subscribers how to market on the Internet, how to use Veretekk and a lot of other important support skills like using HTML, setting up YouTube, etc.

Then we created Vereconference, a profitable Traffic Portal that we refer to as a Profit Portal. These conference rooms offer the best Webinar experience to be found. The sound quality cannot be beat. They contain recording abilities, white boards with all the markup tools and the ability to cut and past, screen capture and annotate (Post It Notes).

Then we integrated the same room technology into the Vereconference system as a 5 seat system included with your Veretekk Gold system.

The Veretekk conference room will be an open room from your new V2 Veretekk front site along with the free presentations the Veretekk presenters will have available from your new V2 page. This new integration is part of the social marketing upgrades Veretekk is going through.

The leads that we deliver via the Freeffas.net site that we charge $10.00 per month for the full service are now available as an included benefit with the Veretekk Gold system. These are FFA leads (so you know the quality) and are only email, name and IP address . However, these are the best email leads money can buy and extremely fresh.

Compare prices with other lead sellers on Google. Heavy Hitter leads cost $950 for 1,000 leads per batch. Getreponse leads cost about $350 per 1000 email leads. Pro Email Leads offers 6000 email leads for 45.97 per batch. Then there are the email lists you can buy 1 million CDs for $8.00 (Don’t bother, these are spam lists at their worse and you will find yourself in very big trouble atrtempting that).

So on the average most legitimate email leads list run around $400 per 1000 leads. So even at $8 per 1000 leads lets compare what Veretekk gives you. Veretekk delivers around 1,500 fresh leads per day. Buts lets say 1000 leads per day to make the match easier. Let’s say Veretekk charges $54.95 per month (That is what we charge for everything, not just the leads package) and we deliver a new batch of fresh leads per day, so that comes to about 30,000 leads per month. That works out to about $2 per 1000 leads!

Did you see that? There is no lead service out there that even comes close to the price these leads cost you and they are included with the most advanced state of the art automated marketing system on the Internet!

It amazes me that many of our subscribers miss these facts entirely. It is my fault for not constantly pointing this out. You can get the entire Veretekk Gold system, 50+ portal domains, automatic streaming of premium leads flowing in the moment you turn Gold,a state of the art best quality 5 seat conference room, 24/7 live training, presentations and mentoring from top Internet successful professionals, automated submission services, massive SEO tools for getting top Google search rankings, one of the finest and most comprehensive email autoresponder mailing systems, all without any limitations or upchages like all the other email services charge.

You just cant get this type of value and service anywhere at any price and we sell it for less than the cheapest lead brokers just sell their leads for head to head! We also include the premier delivery system as well. They don’t! And now we have added full blown, unlimited, professional level hosting.

Veretekk just recently built a new server farm for our new Veretekk integrated hosting. This concept is a total paradigm shift in online hosting since the beginning. So let’s talk about hosting. Let’s compare just the hosting. Most of the hosting out there, especially the ones at deep discounts are limited. OK, maybe they offer unlimited domains, but they limit the number of databases you can have, or they limit access to deep Apache functions like setting up crons for server functions and specialized scripts.

Ever try to set up certain plug ins with WordPress but they won’t work where you are hosting? How about setting up a script to run everyday at 2am. I hear these issues from my subscribers on an ongoing basis. Many people find disappointment with their hosting companies when they start to get sophisticated and need SQL databases and Server side includes and PHP includes, cronned scripts, etc. built into their sites. Don’t know what I am talking about? Are you able to get live support and training were you host? I mean live web conference rooms with training and trouble shooting. I have hosted with many services over the many years on the Internet basically since the Internet started back in the early 90s.

When I started I was ON MY OWN with learning HTML, CGI scripting, FTPing files up to the server. Heck, I didn’t even know what a server was. There was nobody to teach me how databases worked. I was extremely frustrated and challenged learning, but learn I did. Because I never give up, not because I am some genius, which I am not.

So when I decided to offer hosting with your Veretekk Gold account, I saw a different option we could deliver than any other hosting compnay can do. First of all, I want you to have access to our knowledge and experience so your expereience is uncomplicated and especuially know that you have literally hundreds of live people avaiallbe to help you achieve your goals and dreams at Veretekk especially with hosting your web sirtes and domains. So put on your thinking caps as I take you through what Veretekk has launched and the mind blowing difference we make with all the other hosting services on the Internet. I do mean all of the rest.

First and foremost training and support are going to be unparralled in Veretekk Vpanel hosting. We have live conference room technology and we will be offering live hands on training to teach you how to build web sites, upload files, create subdomains, register domains, choose keywords, build HTML, set up blogs and forums, etc. Everything you always wanted to know but didn’t know where to find it. Right here, live and interactive.

We have also set up beta teams and Skype support chat rooms. There is no down time with Veretekk. 24/7 you have access to real people helping you succeed with your Internet hosting questions and needs.

Veretekk is the leading edge on marketing technology. With literally over 50 portals that incorporate state of the art technology, the following are a few of the high tech tools available in the Portal Control panels that will become plug ins for your hosting. This capability will give you the ability to create unique original web sites that incortporate the technology that Veretekk has developed right into your sites.

Here are a few samples of what your web sites can ad and incorporate:

Vereconference plugins

Blastomatic plugins

David Ogden - Internet Marketing Mentor
386 308 1956 after 6PM EST
Skype Seadogs11

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Veretekk Version 2.0 - SEO Social Networking Leads

Veretekk Version 2.0 - SEO Social Networking Leads Update.

For Many years now, Veretekk has been supplying Free leads to its gold members via freeffas.net .

The leads that we deliver via the Freeffas.net site that we charge $10.00 per month for the full service are now available as an included benefit with the Veretekk Gold system. These are FFA leads (so you know the quality) and are only email, name and IP address . However, these are the best email leads money can buy and extremely fresh.

Compare prices with other lead sellers on Google. Heavy Hitter leads cost $950 for 1,000 leads per batch. Getreponse leads cost about $350 per 1000 email leads. Pro Email Leads offers 6000 email leads for 45.97 per batch. Then there are the email lists you can buy 1 million CDs for $8.00 (Don't bother, these are spam lists at their worse and you will find yourself in very big trouble attempting to use them).

So on the average most legitimate email leads list run around $400 per 1000 leads. So even at $8 per 1000 leads lets compare what Veretekk gives you. Veretekk delivers around 1,500 fresh leads per day. Buts lets say 1000 leads per day to make the match easier. Let's say Veretekk charges $54.95 per month (That is what we charge for a complete gold SEO social networking system, not just the leads package) and we deliver a new batch of fresh leads per day, so that comes to about 30,000 leads per month. That works out to about $2 per 1000 leads!

Do you understand this? There is no lead service out there that even comes close to the price these leads cost you and they are included with the most advanced state of the art automated marketing system on the Internet!

It amazes me that many Veretekk subscribers miss these facts entirely.. You can get the entireVeretekk Gold system, 50+ portal domains, automatic streaming of premium leads flowing in the moment you turn Gold,a state of the art best quality 5 seat conference room, 24/7 live training, presentations and mentoring from top Internet successful professionals, automated submission services, massive SEO tools for getting top Google search rankings, one of the finest and most comprehensive email autoresponder mailing systems, all without any limitations or uncharges like all the other email services charge.

You just cant get this type of value and service anywhere at any price and we sell it for less that the cheapest lead brokers just sell their leads for head to head! And now we have added a full blown, unlimited, professional level hosting system with now price increase.

If you wish only to purchase leads that we provide you for free with our gold Veretekk SEO Social networking system we will soon be offering these via a new portal at $50 a month, but I suggest that you take a look at what the Complete Veretekk system offers just go to http://david-ogden.veretekk.com and sign up for a free silver system, then contact me on 1-386-308-1956 after 6pm EST and I will provide you with a 30 day FREE TRIAL of the Gold Veretekk system which will provide you with more than 30,000 Free Leads.

David Ogden - Internet Marketing Mentor
386 308 1956 after 6PM EST
Skype Seadogs11

Friday, May 28, 2010

Success With Trivita

What makes TriVita a good business?

TriVita is an established business opportunity in the USA and Canada and one of its unique features is that you can build a home business by purchasing customers from its media campaigns. this fast track way of building a business improves the speed at which your home business will expand.

Last year TriVita launched a new product line Sonoran Bloom which is a unique health drink whose main ingredient is from the Nopal cactus which grows in the Sonora desert on the west coast of the USA, Nopalea as the product is called reduces many forms of inflammation including arthritis and also improves sleep patterns.

At the end of this year Nopalea will be launched in Australia and if the booming TriVita business in North America is anything to go by it will create many more successful home businesses. If you would like to try Nopalea for your self please go to http://sonoroanbloom.net


David Ogden - Independent TriVita Affiliate
386 308 1956 after 6PM EST

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Free Veretekk Marketing Systems Ebook

You have no doubt read in past blog posts that Veretekk Version 2 is being phased in during the course of 2010. It raises the question as to what Veretekk actually is and what what it can do to help you become successful. p>Veretekk E book

To answer this and other questions Veretekk has produced an ebook which fully explains the functions  of the various parts of Veretekk, Its Conference rooms, training, profit portals, email system etc.

Please feel free to download your personal copy by clicking on the following link  Veretekk the Book where you will be able to download your free ebook in PDF format

Veretekk updates are continuing in the background with the installation of the latest PHP program Version 5.0 and Apache updates to improve website performance and allow for a major change in the look and feel of Veretekk in Phase 3. Phase one has already been completed and many members are making full use of the Free conference room and using the Veremail system to verify around 2,000 free leads a day using their Gold systems. Phase two when completed will offer free Web hosting.

David Ogden – Helping People to Help Themselves
386 308 1956 after 6PM EST
Have You though of Futures Currency Trading to earn money online?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Free Veretekk Marketing Systems

Sign up at  http://david_ogden.veretekk.com  and then Contact me with your user name to get a free 30 day trial of the new Veretekk Gold.

Veretekk Gold now includes:

  • 1000+ fresh leads a day
  • 5 seat web based conference room
  • The new Drill that is SEO powerful
  • This is in addition to the ton of value and services already apart of Veretekk

The same offer is available for the Platinum Control Panel! But the offer is already waiting for you in Gold.
Did you know you can get the Platinum Control Panel for 30 days for free? See how powerful it is! Feel it hum and watch it take your marketing efforts to new levels. Join an elite group that has achieved huge results with this powerful panel. Get 10 Gold accounts with the Platinum Control Panel at no additional costs.

Get your Plat Gold accounts up into the top of the search engines and pumping leads, then rent them out at whatever price you want to. Turn your Platinum Control Panel into an income machine. Many Plat owners are already doing this.

I am a member of the powerful Veretekk Warriors group who are at the forefront of bringing in phased updates as Veretekk 2.0 comes online. Not a month has passed this year without improvements to the system, phase 1 is complete and phase 2 which includes free webhosting is underway, so watch here for more details.

David Ogden – Helping people to Help themselves turn their dreams into reality.
ph 386 308 1956 after 6PM EST
Free Veretekk Marketing System

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Veretekk V2 Is Being Delivered Right Now!

Veretekk V2 is being delivered right now!

Phase one has already been delivered:

  • In the Gold Veremail section the Freeffa leads are automatically imported into your system, saving you $10 per month and a lot of time. Now you just push a button name the subject and it is done.
  • The Gold Veretekk system now includes a 5 seat fully functional Vereconference Webinar room saving you $30 per month
  • The new Drill that produces excellent back links has replaced the old Hammer.
  • Silver accounts now receive a $10 per month compensation for front line Gold accounts making you $10 per month
  • All CPT incoming emails now route to your Veremail for challenge based verification
  • Veretekk Gold has increased in cost to $54.95 per month by giving you an additional value of $50 per month.
  • The $99 setup fee has been permanently eliminated.
Phase two is underway:
  • Only Gold accounts get a POP account and the new POP accounts will include Spamassasin subject ratings so you can use your email to filter out spam according to your specifications.
  • Silver accounts that do not get logged into every week will automatically be deleted.
  • Gold account leads will automatically be transferred upline to the next Gold system 7 days after a Gold system downgrades to Silver.
  • Unlimited professional Cpanel hosting will be built into Veretekk Gold accounts. A $20 per month value.
  • Remote publishing from Gold Bully Pulpits to Facebook, Twitter, Myspace and Veretekk RSS feed system will be installed.
  • A new Social Network compatible Forum will be replacing the old Veretekk forum and be designed to link into the new V2 front end of your Veretekk site.
Phase three:
  • New V2 social network design and interface front end delivered.
  • All new auto responders for all Portals designed to inform and orientate the power of that Portal.
  • A series of self replicating eBooks written by the CEO and top trainers to be used for explaining, teaching and promoting your Portals.
  • The Platinum Control Panel will be able to create groups of Blogger.com Blogs that can be installed in other subscribers Gold Bully Pulpit accounts.
If you wish to learn more about Veretekk and the Veretekk Warriors just watch this recording of this week conference and you will see that we walk the walk not talk the the talk. http://veretekk.com/bully/march-21-2010/

Now if you like what you see and want a free 30 day trial of the gold system follow these steps
1. sign up for a free silver system by clicking here
2. Check you email and confirm your application, you might need to check your bulk email folder or spam box
3. Contact me by calling 386 308 1956 after 6pm EST or leave a message with your username.

I will update your system so when you click on the gold upgrade in the back office your will be offered a free system for 30 days.

David Ogden - Helping people help themselves