Thursday, September 22, 2011

Cactus Juice Inflammation and Pain Relief

Nopalea Cactus Juice
Natural pain and inflammation relief

Your retirement years are supposed to be the best time in your life. You work your entire life away and save money to enjoy the final years in retirement. But, many people can't enjoy their time to the fullest because of arthritis or some other type of joint-related pain.

A lot of people think their only choice of pain and inflammation relief is to take dangerous painkillers like Celebrex and Ultram. This is unfortunate. These types of drugs are sold by companies that put profits first, and patients second.

I discovered a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine that revealed that drug giant Merck quietly sat on information about heart risks concerning its pain-killing drug Vioxx for 4 years before they recalled it! The drug was finally discontinued in 2004. Too many patients were dying from heart attack or stroke as a result of these drugs.

Dr. Harlan Krumholz of the Yale University School of Medicine and his team reviewed 30 different studies that were conducted by Merck prior to Vioxx's withdrawal in 2004. Many of them were made available after the drug was banned by the FDA. Each trial was examined, one at a time. Krumholz found a strong, undeniable link between patients taking Vioxx and increased heart attacks and strokes dating as far back as the year 2000.

This study went through a rigorous peer review process before the findings were deemed "acceptable." Then, Merck responded by issuing a statement saying, "The article published in The Archives of Internal Medicine… used unreliable methods and reached incorrect conclusions."

The Wall Street Journal published an investigative article back in 2004 reporting that it had seen internal Merck emails sent between company executives. The emails expressed concern over Vioxx and the increased risk of heart attack. They go back as far as the late 1990s.

Even aspirin and Ibuprofen have drawbacks when taken for long a long period of time, so you are better advised to seek natural pain and inflammation relief.

David Ogden
CEO TheInterbiz LLC
Click Here to Take the Sonoran Bloom Nopalea Cactus Juice Wellness Challenge and Reduce Your Pain and Inflammation Naturally

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